If you child is attending a school receiving Title 1 federal funds, Federal Law requires that parents be notified of their right to know the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher(s) in core academic subject areas, including the following:
The type of state credential or license that the teacher holds. Some teachers will have credentials in a particular subject area, such as English or mathematics, and others will have a multiple subject credential, which allows them to teach a variety of subjects, such as in elementary schools.
2.The education level and subject area of the teacher’s college degree(s). All teachers have a bachelor’s degree, and many teachers have graduate
degrees beyond the bachelor’s, such as a masters or doctoral degree.
In addition to the qualifications of the teacher, if a paraprofessional (teacher’s aide) provides your child services, you may also request information about his or her qualifications. Many paraprofessionals have two years of college and others have passed a test that verifies their qualifications.
If you would like to request this information, please contact Colton Joint Unified, Human Resources Office at (909)580-5000 Ext. 6684