  • Amazing Falcon Family,
    It is with great honor and humility that I get to serve as the next Principal of Colton Middle School.  Although teaching is my passion, my purpose and call is to build incredible teams to foster and create powerful  outcomes for ALL FALCONS-scholars, Staffulty (certificated/classified), and families alike. As a husband to an awesome wife and father to six amazing children, I am a byproduct of a divine blessing that came from selfless and caring teachers and Merchants of Hope.

    I grew up in a one-bedroom apartment with three brothers, two sisters, and I never thought it was possible to achieve greatness until I came across teachers. The Merchants of Hope that impacted my life were Mrs. Nordstrom, Mrs. Williams, and Mr. Swimely of Webster Middle School in Stockton California. Their daily words, professionalism, and actions showed me that I WAS MORE THAN GOOD ENOUGH. Their collective beliefs in me divinely set my course and sparked my internal fire to pursue a life marked by positively impacting others in education.

    I have been blessed to serve as a teacher for ten years. My teaching career revolved around teaching at a Fair Valley Continuation High School. Additionally, I had the honor of teaching Math, PE, and Coaching High School Football. I served as Assistant Principal for four and half years, and an Elementary Principal for seven years.

    Falcons and all of our Falcon Staffulty (Certificated/Classified), families, and community-my family and I are excited for our future and what WE will build together. Our best is yet to come!
    Please join me this year and let’s climb together by building positive relationships with ALL stakeholders and strengthening our dynamic teams to yield HIGH OUTCOMES FOR ALL!!!
    May you be reminded today and every day that you are more than good enough. Let’s climb, Falcons!!

    Houn P. Hib, Ed. D.
    Principal, Colton Middle School