The Responsibilities of the SSC

  • The School Site Council's role is to ensure that the school is continually engaged in identifying and implementing curriculum and instructional practices that result in both strengthening the core academic program and ensuring that students have access to and success in that program.

    The three main responsibilities of SSC are:

    1. Develop the school plan/budget and recommend to the local governing board (EC 62002)

    2. Implement a plan and monitor program effectiveness (EC 52021, 62002.3)

    3. Annually evaluate the goals and objectives of the school plan (EC 52021, 62002.5)

SSC Membership


    SSC must be organized to ensure parity among its members. One half of a council must be comprised of school personnel: the principal, certificated, and classified staff. Certificated staff must be comprised of classroom teachers, TOA or CPS. Teachers must be in the majority. The other half of the council is comprised of parents and community members (elementary schools) or students in high schools. Representatives of each group--parents, teachers, students and other staff--must be selected by their peers. Alternates may be selected at the time elections are held. Parents who work for the district and are assigned to the school attended by their children are not eligible to serve on that school's School Site Council in the "Parent" category. The principal may not designate any other person as a replacement for her or himself.



  • Members for 2023-2024

    Charlie Neighbors, Principal

    Fabiola Perez, Teacher

    Tamara Ramsden, Teacher

    Marcos Ruiz, Teacher

    Bert Rodriguez, Other Staff

    Christy Boal, Parent

    Elodia Campos, Parent

    Shawnie Cleveland, Parent

    Martha Macias, Parent

    Lorina Nicols, Parent 

    Ryleigh Atwood, Student