• Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! This page is intended for students who were either enrolled at Colton High School last school year OR are incoming freshmen from one of our Middle Schools. If you are new to our district, please visit the enrollment page for information on how to enroll or visit the Colton High counseling office.

    CJUSD is transitioning to an online registration process. This will better mirror what students may experience when they register at a college or university during or after high school. 

    Students/guardians will have the opportunity to select elective courses.

    Students/guardians will also have the opportunity to consult with their counselor to revise their 2024 - 25 course requests. 



    Monday, February 5 - Sunday, February 11

    12th (current 11th)


    Monday, February 12 - Sunday, February 18


    11th (current 10th)

    Monday, February 19 - Sunday, February 25 

    10th (current 9th)

    Monday, February 26 - Sunday, March 3

    9th (current 8th)